Page 19 - October 2023
P. 19

apply. It’s a realm where all possibilities            In our universe, matter exhibits the
        exist, unconfined by dimensions or the                 property of attraction, a fundamental
        passage of time. Unlike our physical                   force that holds the cosmos together.

        world, which is bound by the march                     On the flip side, its complementary
        of time, the metaphysical space exists                 counterpart is characterized by repulsion

        outside of time, rendering it timeless.                or anti-gravitation. This duality reflects
                                                               a balance, a harmonious dance between
        In this boundless realm, every potential               attraction and repulsion that sustains

        scenario finds a home, a universe where                the metaphysical realm. The behavior
        it can be realized. It’s a space where                 of matter and its complementary in this

        the void and the void complementary                    metaphysical space challenges us to
        coexist, encompassing all conceivable                  rethink the fundamental principles that
        scenarios and stories waiting to be                    govern existence.

        told. The idea inspires us to expand our
        understanding beyond the physical,                     Realization of Scenarios:

        into the limitless possibilities that the              The metaphysical space is a realm
        metaphysical realm holds.                              of endless possibilities, where every

                                                               conceivable logical scenario finds a
        Matter and Its Complementary:                          universe for its realization. It’s a space

        In our physical world, matter is                       where the bizarre and the extraordinary
        characterized by its ability to occupy                 find a home. For instance, if it’s logically
        space and have mass. However, in the                   possible for humans to exist as one-

        metaphysical space, matter and its                     dimensional curves*, there exists a
        complementary counterpart obey a                       universe within the metaphysical space

        unique law of preservation. They collapse  where this scenario is realized.
        into a state of null matter, achieving a
        state of balance that is crucial for the               This concept opens up a realm of endless

        preservation of the metaphysical law.                  exploration and discovery. It nudges
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