Page 22 - October 2023
P. 22

Reading the Labels

              The Hidden Dangers Lurking

                        in Your Everyday Bread

        Bread, a staple of diets across the world for  Research suggests that potassium

        millennia, has evolved significantly over              bromate may pose health risks, as it has
        the years. Modern grocery store shelves                been shown to cause kidney, thyroid, and

        are now lined with a multitude of bread                gastrointestinal cancer in animals.
        options, from classic loaves to artisanal
        creations. However, amidst the variety                 2. Ammonium Sulfate: From Floor

        and convenience, there are often hidden                Cleaner to Bread Ingredient
        dangers that lurk in the ingredients used to           Yes, you read that correctly – ammonium

        make that bread you pick up at your local              sulfate is an ingredient in some bread
        store. Let’s delve into some of the harmful            products, and it shares a common element
        ingredients found in bread and why they                with household floor cleaners, ammonia.

        deserve your attention.                                The idea of consuming something used

                                                               for cleaning purposes is unsettling. It’s
        1. Potassium Bromate: Speeding Up                      worth noting that even popular fast-food
        Production, But at What Cost?                          chains like Subway have used ammonium

        Potassium bromate is an oxidizing agent                sulfate in their 9-grain wheat bread.
        used in bread production to strengthen                 Gastrointestinal effects of this ingredient

        dough and reduce baking time. While                    can include nausea, vomiting, and severe
        this may sound beneficial for the                      abdominal pain. It is also said that contact
        manufacturers by saving time and money,  of ammonium sulfate with the skin or

        it raises concerns about its safety for                eyes can cause irritation, redness, itching,
        consumers. The United States allows the                and pain. Yet, it is somehow snuck

        use of potassium bromate in bread, but                 into our bread to assist yeast growth
        many countries, including Canada, the                  and survival. As consumers, we should
        European Union, Brazil, South Korea,                   advocate for transparency and healthier

        and China, have banned this additive.                  alternatives in the food we consume.
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