Page 16 - October 2023
P. 16

Numerology As a Tool:

                                Unveiling the Power of Your Life’s 3 P’s -
                                      Passion, Purpose, and Potential

        The age-old practice of numerology                     questions about identity and purpose
        is a remarkable tool for delving deep                  loomed large. “Who am I?” and “Where
        into the fabric of our existence. It’s an              am I going?” were the thoughts running

        ancient art that allows us to decode the               through my mind. I made a life-altering
        universe’s secret language using the                   decision—to return to college and

        numbers associated with our birth. All                 complete what I hadn’t been able to achieve
        you need to unlock this cosmic wisdom                  when I graduated from high school. I came
        is your full name as recorded on your                  away with a psychology degree.

        birth certificate, and from there, the
        possibilities are endless.                             Little did I know that my fascination

                                                               with numbers had been subtly guiding
        When examining your numerology, it’s                   me throughout my life. Even in my
        customary to begin with the full name                  earliest years, I had a love for connect-

        given at birth. This is the name you were  the-dots coloring books. The act of
        destined to carry, imprinted in the stars.             connecting random dots into a picture

        While the birth date is a key component,  before applying colors intrigued me.
        details like the time and place of birth               Little did I realize that I was essentially
        can offer even more profound insights.                 practicing numerology, connecting the

        These specifics become especially                      dots of existence.
        valuable if you’ve been legally adopted,

        as they help trace your cosmic blueprint               Now as a Master Numerologist, I am
        more accurately.                                       committed to helping others connect
                                                               the dots in their lives. I delve into the

        Three decades ago, as I celebrated my 50th  intricate web of the eight personal
        birthday, I found myself at a crossroads,              blueprint numbers, each resonating with

        much like many individuals do during                   unique energy and significance. These
        their midlife years between 35 and 65.                 numbers hold the keys to unlocking
        It was a pivotal moment, a time when                   the mysteries of one’s Passion, Purpose,
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