Page 3 - May 2023
P. 3
From the
Happy May 1st!
Spring is in full swing, and while Secondly, we know that in our
temperatures may be cooler than usual, community, people value knowledge and
we are still enjoying the beauty of the are always willing to learn or teach. We
season. In Texas, where I am based, this are excited to invite you to attend our
is actually a welcomed blessing. free mini-classes or healing sessions. On
May 20th, we are pleased to have Barbara
As we approach Mother’s Day, the Mcanany joining us for a 30-minute class
theme of this edition is femininity and on how to balance your body’s energy. It
motherhood. We hope you enjoy reading will be the first zoom class. Please find the
the articles as much as we enjoyed announcement on page 18 and sign up.
putting them together for you.
We always welcome your questions and
I would like to draw your attention to feedback. If you find value in what we
a couple of things. First, if you are a do, please consider sharing it with others
practitioner of any holistic or metaphysical and upgrading to a paid subscription.
modality, we invite you to consider placing
an ad with us. Our pricing starts at just Wishing you a wonderful May!
$15 per month, and we’re happy to publish
announcements about your events for free. In Joy,
Please plan ahead and reach out to me with
your information.
Katerina 3