Page 4 - May 2023
P. 4
Reading the Labels
Trans Fats:
The Silent Killer of Heart Health
Trans fats, commonly found in packaged manufactured through hydrogenation,
or processed foods, fried foods, and baked which adds hydrogen to plant or
goods, can have a devastating impact on vegetable oil to convert the liquid
the heart health. As conscious consumers, into solid fat (when stored at room
we must remind ourselves to read the list temperature). Partially hydronated oils
of ingredients and always check the line aim to increase certain foods’ shelf life,
called “Trans fat” on the label. melting point, and flavor stability. You
would find hydrogenated oils or trans
A healthy diet is vital. Plenty of fats in many processed food items, such
research has shown that a diet high as margarine, vegetable shortening,
in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and crackers, cereals, baked goods, cookies,
lean protein will lower blood pressure, granola bars, salad dressings, fried foods,
reduce inflammation, and decrease etc. It’s important to note that aside from
the risk of developing cardiovascular artificial trans fats, there are naturally
diseases. Conversely, a diet high occurring trans fats that come from
in trans fats will negatively affect ruminants, such as cattle or sheep; this
heart health. The most dangerous type forms when bacteria in the animals’
aspect of trans fats is their role in stomachs digest grass. It’s in products
increasing LDL (harmful) cholesterol sourced from animals such as beef, pork,
levels and decreasing HDL (good) butter, and milk; however, these are fine
cholesterol levels, leading to blood clots, in moderation and do not pose a similar
inflammation, and an increased risk threat to heart health. When it comes
of developing heart disease, stroke, or to artificial trans fats, our bodies cannot
diabetes. For this reason, we must be properly break down the structure
aware of the types of fats in the food we during digestion. Human bodies were
consume and make healthier choices for not designed to manage the abundance
our heart and general well-being. resulting from partial hydrogenation.
Trans fat (or trans-unsaturated or trans The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
fatty acids) is unsaturated fat found in (FDA) knows the severe health risks
processed foods. Most trans fats are of trans fats or partially hydrogenated
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