Page 8 - May 2023
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The Journey of Archetypes
Part II
The Child Archetype The more loved and connected a child
feels by mom and dad, the safer we feel,
In our previous article, we briefly explored and the more they are ensured their
the four survival archetypes. We discussed needs will be met. Children begin to
what archetypes are, the contracts we learn more about themselves based
sign, and why understanding the four on the feedback we get from the outer
survival archetypes is essential for our world. They don’t have an internal
healing journey. Archetypes represent sense of self yet and are still discovering
our relationship with our power. When themselves based on their relations to
we express them in their highest form, we others.
experience freedom and empowerment
within ourselves. When we express them For example, if we see mom happy, we
in their shadow form, we experience might think, “Mom is happy with me.” If
a loss of freedom and a sense of we see dad angry, we might think, “Dad
disempowerment. must be angry with me.” We learn what
choices and behaviors offer us a sense
Where do these patterns originate of love and connection and what may
from? Why do we have contracts with jeopardize that.
certain archetypes and not others? To
understand this, we must travel back to As this process evolves, we learn “who
the beginning. we have to become” to get our needs
met. This might involve becoming
We are born into this world as a helpless a people pleaser, approval seeker, or
and powerless child. As a child, we are perfectionist. Based on our experience
completely dependent on others for our of our caretakers, we begin to take on
survival. We have not yet learned how certain archetypes to ensure our safety
to feed, care , and support ourselves on and connection.
a foundational level. Our caretakers,
usually mom and dad, become our This is the essence of the child archetype.
lifeline. The most important thing for In the shadow expression, our inner
a child is to stay connected to their child represents the part of us that feels
parents (or whoever plays the mother dependent on others. We often outsource
and father archetype role.) self-responsibility, look to authority, or
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