Page 10 - May 2023
P. 10
The healing journey is truly about When you connect with your inner child,
healing the inner child, and the spiritual how old are you?
journey is about healing the inner child.
All our defense mechanisms and ego What are the gifts of your inner child?
structures are there to protect the inner
child. Once we reconnect with our What is your inner child’s survival
child archetype and create a sense of strategy?
safe connection, we no longer need the
archetypal survival team. Who does your child archetype love?
To begin exploring your child archetype, Who does your child archetype despise?
ask yourself the following questions
through journaling or self-contemplation: As you explore these questions, you begin
to create a breadcrumb trail back to your
How would you describe yourself as a original nature. You reconnect with your
child? natural state of being and begin to reclaim
the gifts of your inner child.
How would you describe your
childhood? You also begin to learn the people,
places, and situations that trigger aspects
How do you know when your child of your child archetype. You can notice
archetype is taking charge? what these triggers are, who they are, and
what archetypes we recruit to protect
these vulnerable parts.