Page 12 - May 2023
P. 12


                    Astrological Insights for May 2023

        Overview                                               retrograde phase is often associated with
                                                               communication breakdowns, unexpected
        The transit of Saturn in sidereal Aquarius is  delays, frustrations, missed deadlines, and

        a significant planetary event that continues  unforeseen obstacles. People may also
        to dominate astrological discussions                   experience anxieties and disappointments

        in 2023. According to the 2023 annual                  in their daily chores during this time.
        predictions, the transformational process
        initiated by Saturn and Pluto could have               On the other hand, one of the significant

        a downside, as some of the leading social              planetary events of 2023 is Jupiter’s transit
        media and internet-related companies may  in sidereal Aries. As Aries is a fire and

        face closure and be replaced by new ones.              cardinal sign ruled by Mars, Jupiter’s energy
                                                               will act as an advisor to world leaders in
        This prediction was discussed in detail in             various fields of life. This transit is expected

        the past few months and was highlighted                to bring justice and morality to the world,
        in the article “Beginning of upheaval in               and it is not surprising to see supreme

        Social Media Industries”. The article further  courts making headlines every day. Aries
        stated that prominent companies in the                 Jupiter deals with world politics, leadership,
        industry, such as Fox media network, may               material expansion, and creating new

        be affected by this transformation process.            norms in philosophy, judiciary system,
                                                               social justice, morality, and religion.

        Recent news regarding Fox and CNN cable
        news companies seems to align with this                Another significant planetary event of
        prediction. The exits of Tucker Carlson and  2023 is Neptune’s transit in Pisces, as

        Don Lemon from the cable news landscape  highlighted in the previous discussion.
        on Monday marked the end of an era for                 The ongoing Ukraine-Russia war

        their industry, which has been characterized  continues to take countless lives and
        as the most combative and partisan since               cause material destruction.
        Ted Turner introduced the concept of 24-

        hour news to television over 40 years ago.             Lastly, the Jupiter-Rahu conjunction
                                                               in Aries, which intensifies within three

        Currently, Mercury is retrograde in                    degrees between May 17 and June 9,
        sidereal Aries, and it will remain so until            2023, may result in a severe religious or
        May 15, when it becomes direct. This                   morality crisis and shift in world power.

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