Page 17 - May 2023
P. 17
Religious Upheaval
The Rahu-Jupiter conjunction occurs see positive changes occurring in their
about once every seven years and is lives during this period. However, those
expected to be within three degrees with lunar nodes squaring Jupiter may
of intensity from May 17 to June 9, face some rough times.
making it a very intensive period.
While this conjunction is likely to On a collective level, the Rahu-
temporarily favor orthodox and ultra- Jupiter conjunction’s influence
conservative religious authorities, it on religion may slow down social
also has the potential to sow the seeds progress, humanitarian efforts, and
of self-destruction for those authorities charity work. Morality, in general,
(Guru Chandal Yog). As a result, some is likely to take a backseat during
sort of religious upheaval or conflict is this period. Nevertheless, we should
likely to surface during this period, and remain vigilant and resist the allure
fake religious leaders are likely to take of false religious leaders who may
advantage of people’s vulnerability by take advantage of vulnerable people.
playing with their emotions and beliefs. Instead, we should strive to uphold
true values and principles and work
Individuals with favorable Rahu-Jupiter towards positive change in our
aspects in their birth charts are likely to communities.
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