Page 19 - May 2023
P. 19

Planetary Energies for Individuals

        Mars-Pluto Opposition (May 19-22)                       Uranus-Saturn ninefold sextile (May

        This short period of 3 to 4 days is likely              21– June 12)
        to be very frustrating for those who have  Uranus-Saturn ninefold sextile is going

        Mars-Pluto opposition, conjunction or                   to be favorable for you if these planets
        square in their natal charts. Typically,                are favorably placed in your natal chart.
        this opposition is very unfavorable.                    Expect monetary as well as power gains,

        Unexpected problems are likely to occur  promotions, and improved prestige in
        with astonishing speed and without                      professional and social fields.  The idea

        any notice.  For those who have such                    that you always wanted to pursue but
        opposition or conjunction in their birth                somehow could never get started....
        chart, and if they have any one of these                now is the time to follow that dream.

        planets active through their current                    However, don’t neglect your family
        Gochar (transit) charts need to be on                   during this busy time. You will distinctly

        guard. Stay very low key, not make any                  notice and feel the positive energy
        new commitment, and avoid taking any                    flowing through you during this period.
        sort of new risk. Also, experiences like                It’s time to jump in and enjoy the ride.

        a sudden incident of fire, or an accident
        involving explosive material are likely.                Jagdish Maheshri
                                                                Professional Vedic Astrologer

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