Page 14 - May 2023
P. 14
Retrograde Mercury
As of April 21, the planet Mercury has been done so far. It is also a good time
become retrograde in sidereal Aries and will to tackle tasks that have been postponed
remain so until it becomes direct on May due to a lack of time, such as cleaning
15. Retrograde Mercury is often associated out a closet or doing other chores.
with anxieties, communication breakdowns,
unexpected delays, frustrations, missed If Mercury is a dominant planet in your
deadlines, unforeseen obstacles, and birth chart and currently your active
disappointment in daily chores. planet, you are more likely to experience
pronounced effects of retrograde Mercury
Furthermore, retrograde Mercury in during this period, particularly in matters
Aries may result in frustrating periods related to the house it is transiting in your
for people in power, military personnel, Gochar (transit) chart. However, those
soldiers, money managers, reformers, who have Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio,
and leaders. This is not a favorable time Virgo, Cancer, or Gemini as their ninefold
to start new projects or ventures, but ascendant are least likely to be affected
rather a period for reflection on what has during this period.