Page 18 - May 2023
P. 18

Global Insights

        The important challenging possibilities                norms of morality and living.
        for May include:                                       May 26 – June 4:  A transformation of

        May 1-21:  An outbreak(s) of violence                  political strategy to bring a change in the
        and terrorist activities in Russia, Ukraine            current political agenda, and foreign policy

        and in the Middle east region, especially              matters of the USA as the planet Pluto
        in Syria, Iran, Israel and Palestine region.           with its tremendous energy has a power
        Also, the occurrences of natural as well as            of irreversibly transforming the field of

        man-made calamities are real possibilities             politics to a new level or setting with a new
        during this period. Russia and China                   set of norms. Expect some serious issues

        may experience political as well as social             that the Biden administration could get
        turmoil.                                               tangled with.
        May 1-14:  Religious leaders likely to face

        serious challenges due to domination and               The important auspicious possibilities
        spread of non-traditional way of living.               for April include:

        May 13-19:  Social or political unrest                 April 28 – May 10:  An excellent period
        in Russia and/or China.  Also, in the                  for economy. In addition, this period
        United State for the Republican Party and              is great for progress in technical fields

        republicans it may prove to be prudent to              (new innovations and discoveries) and
        stay on guard during this period.                      religious reconciliation.

        May 14-21:  Irreversible changes in                    May 21 – June 12:  An expansion of
        religious, moral and spiritual worlds. The             religious activities with new vigor and
        changes are likely to be very subtle but               energy. Conservatives in the United

        strong and we may not see or feel them                 States will find ways to compromise with
        until after quite some time.                           liberals on sticky issues. Democrats and

        May 19-21:  Likelihood of disastrous                   Republicans will agree on more matters
        events and both natural and man-made                   than the ones they disagree.  This is a
        calamities all around the world.                       good time to get those lingering bills

        May 24-26:  Natural and man-made                       passed in U.S. Congress and Senates.
        calamities causing destruction and loss of             The countries that are more likely to be

        lives.                                                 affected during this month are:  Russia,
        May 24-30:  We might witness noticeable                Ukraine and China, United States, the
        changes in world of religions affecting our            Middle East Region and Europe.

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