Page 15 - May 2023
P. 15
Justice and Morality
Jupiter’s transit into the sidereal zodiac planets must be considered to assess
sign Aries on April 21 is significant. the net effect.
Aries, being a cardinal and fire sign
ruled by Mars, will be influenced by Jupiter’s conjunction with the north
Jupiter’s energy. Jupiter is expected to lunar node Rahu within three degrees
play the role of an advisor to world between May 17 and June 9, 2023, in
leaders in almost every area of life, Aries is noteworthy. This may lead to a
making it an exciting time filled severe religious or morality crisis and
with justice and morality for the a shift in world power. The current
entire world. Aries Jupiter deals with religious and morality-based norms
world politics, leadership, material will be challenged by the new forces of
expansion, creating new norms in human evolution, and world politics
philosophy, the judiciary system, social may experience an unprecedented
justice, morality, and religion. crisis. Nevertheless, contemporary
philosophers, social reformers, and those
Jupiter will remain in Aries until May who have the power to influence people
1, 2024, and its influence will tend with their unique talents will enjoy this
to enhance the power and leadership period to its fullest.
of those who have well-placed and
well-connected Mars and Jupiter On an individual level, those who have
in their birth charts, while others dominant Jupiter in their birth charts and
may experience a decrease in power. have Pisces (money), Sagittarius (romance,
While in Aries, Jupiter’s positive creativity), Libra (marriage), Virgo
influence will enable some factions (money), Leo (luck), Gemini (friends,
and individuals to gain more power recognition, and money) as their natal
and authority in their respective ninefold ascendant are likely to experience
fields. However, the influence of other a positive period beginning April 21.
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