Page 16 - May 2023
P. 16

Opportunity for Spiritual Transformation

        The Jupiter-Pluto square is a significant              transit chart, you are likely to face new
        planetary event, particularly for those                challenges in your life. Depending on the

        who deal with religion, religious                      houses these planets occupy in your birth
        institutes, and academic institutions.                 chart, you are likely to have a completely
        This square occurs approximately once                  new and challenging experience in that

        every forty months and lasts for around                particular field. However, if you succeed
        eleven months. However, it will be within  in accepting this new challenge, you

        a degree of intensity between May 4-21,                could receive great rewards.
        making it a particularly intense time.
                                                               On a collective level, religious, academic,

        The square will create religious and                   and social fields are very likely to see
        academic challenges as the planet                      changes in their respective fields. While

        Pluto, with its tremendous energy, has                 the initial reaction to change may appear
        the power to transform these fields                    confusing and perhaps chaotic, a majority
        irreversibly to a new level or setting                 of us are likely to embrace this new wave of

        with a new set of norms. If Jupiter and                change and enjoy it. This period offers an
        Pluto are in square in your birth chart,               opportunity for spiritual transformation,

        or if either of these planets’ energy                  and we should be ready to face and
        is currently active for you via your                   embrace the challenges that come with it.


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