Page 24 - January 2025
P. 24
Feng Shui Tips for Happy,
Healthy Pets
I’m sure you’ve heard about Feng Shui Diamond Feng Shui Tip 1:
hacks to help boost your cash flow, If you find that your pet is too hyper
improve your health, and even attract a before bedtime, there are a number of
new love into your life, but have you Feng Shui hacks to help keep them
ever thought about what Feng Shui can calm. If they sleep in a bed, pick one in
do for your furry friends? soothing earth tones such as beige or
light brown. These colors will help
As a Feng Shui master and teacher of ground their energy and keep them in a
the Law of Attraction, I’ve spent the last relaxed state of mind. Fire colors, such
thirty years teaching my students and as red, yellow, or orange, are too active
A-list clients around the world how they and will prove too stimulating for them
can use this ancient Chinese energy to be able to fall asleep.
system to manifest their goals quicker
and more effortlessly. Feng Shui works If they have a water bowl, make sure to
by boosting the positive flow of energy, keep it away from their bed and in
or “chi”, in your home, which in turn can another room if possible. The water
attract abundance, good health, and element is a fast-moving one (think of
happiness for both you and those you the rush of a waterfall, or the powerful
live with. Whilst this mostly includes waves of the ocean) and this active
parents, children, extended family, or energy can be responsible for your
roommates, I’ve been asked on more pet’s restless night’s sleep.
than a few occasions how people can
use Feng Shui to help their pets. Diamond Feng Shui Tip 2:
Whether you have a dog, cat, cockatiel, Just like humans, pets thrive in clean,
or even a horde of hamsters, here are organized living spaces. According to
my top Feng Shui tips for creating a Feng Shui, mess and clutter negatively
harmonious space for your pet. impact the energy flow of a room,
24 - My Indigo Sun