Page 25 - January 2025
P. 25

causing it to weaken and stagnate. This                 Diamond Feng Shui Tip 3:
    in turn lowers the vibrational field of the               If you have pets in a cage (like a hamster or

    room which can cause any number of                        a dog in a crate) or in a tank (like fish or a
    issues such as difficulties sleeping,                     lizard), it’s best to avoid keeping them in

    behavioral problems, or a feeling of                      your bedroom. Since the bedroom is an

    franticness.                                              important space, energetically-speaking,

                                                              for love and romance, keeping cages in
    To combat this, make sure that your                       there is very bad symbolism and can leave

    pet’s sleeping area is tidy, organized,                   you feeling “trapped” in your relationship.

    and regularly cleaned with eco-friendly                   Avoid it if possible, or, if you can’t, keep it

    cleaning products - at least once a week                  as far away from your bed as you can.
    should do it. Lavender-scented

    cleaning products are particularly good                   Additionally, keeping pet fish in your

    because they help to cleanse and                          bedroom is a bad idea too because it
    freshen the energy of the room too. Be                    creates too much water energy. Not only

    careful though, since lavender can be                     can the energy of the water element

    toxic to cats and dogs, so double-check                   “dampen” your romantic passions, but
    with your vet if you’re unsure. Adjust                    the quick-moving energetic nature of

    your cleaning schedule to account for                     water can prove too active for a room

    any increased shedding your pet may                       meant for rest and relaxation. Save the

    have - as the proud owner of two                          aquarium for the living room instead!
    French bulldogs, I know that the warm

    summer months may require a little                        Ultimately, pets are a true asset to any

    more vacuuming!                                           home because their joy, lively energy, and

                                                              unconditional love help fill the space with
    Have a storage box for any toys your                      warmth and positivity. A home filled with

    pet may have and be sure to tidy them                     love is certainly one with good Feng Shui!

    away when they’re not being used.  If
    there are any broken or overly chewed-                    Dame Marie Diamond

    up toys, throw them out and replace                       Feng Shui Master

    them with new ones.
                                                              Best-selling author and star of the TV

                                                              show"Feng Shui your Life", streaming
    When a pet has a clean living condition,                  now on Tubi

    this is a clear sign that they are being        

    properly cared for and, in return, loved.
                                                              IG: @MarieDiamondOfficial
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