Page 28 - January 2023
P. 28

to see yourself. As the Rev. J. Pittman                that thought I knew who I was — which
        McGehee says in his book, The Paradox                  was my persona or my mask. I remember

        of Love, “I alone must become myself,                  feeling a lot of guilt and asking myself
        but I cannot become myself alone.”                     what I could have done differently. It was

                                                               a dark night-of-the-soul experience going
        Love for others and for ourselves                      into my unconscious for an entire week. I
        transforms and heals. We need them to                  wondered if I would ever feel normal

        show us our projections, and we help                   again. Gradually I came out of it and my
        each other by being vulnerable and                     inner Self said, “You are all of this and you

        honest in order to take those projections  are also the opposite.” As painful as this
        back. Jung says, “Becoming whole is                    work is, it’s necessary to our wholeness.
        an intrapsychic process which depends

        essentially on the relation of one individual  Our ego strength grows in proportion to
        to another.” Without the mirror others                 seeing who we really are and to holding

        provide us, there is no recognition of our  the awareness of our destructive side
        shadow. Jung says:                                     consciously without acting it out. This in
                                                               itself is the ever-present challenge: to hold

           “The meaning of ‘whole’ or ‘wholeness’ is           the tension in the psyche of our opposites
           to make holy or to heal. The descent into           and not lean too much to either side.

          the depths will bring healing. It is the way
            to the total being, to the treasure which          The Taoists called this the path of the
         suffering mankind is forever seeking, which  middle way. As the Greeks inscribed on

           is hidden in the place guarded by terrible          the temple at Delphi, “Know thyself” and
            danger. This is the place of primordial            “Nothing in excess.” These two very wise

          unconsciousness and at the same time the             statements, made long ago, can help us
          place of healing and redemption, because             today, but trust me, I am still working
          it contains the jewel of wholeness. It is the        on this. It does not happen overnight

        cave where the dragon of chaos lives and it is  for anyone. Just know that you are doing
          also the indestructible city, the magic circle  the work, and keep on keeping on when

         or temenos, the sacred precinct where all the  you fail or allow yourself to become one
         split-off parts of the personality are united.”       extreme or another. Pick yourself up and
                                                               keep going. At least, you will begin to

        When I first started doing shadow work,                know when you are out of balance. That
        I remember how sad I felt. It was very                 in itself is pretty awesome.

        painful, almost like a grieving process. It’s
        definitely not easy to own your shadow,                An important thing to remember about
        and, as Jung says, it takes time. I felt as            our ego is that nobody knows what

        if a part of me was dying, the part of me              is unconscious. We only know what
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