Page 25 - January 2023
P. 25
this tragedy, we wonder if what was recognize that there is also a murderer
happening in her unconscious was in us quite capable of doing the same
the extreme opposite of her outward thing if we found ourselves in that
behavior. From this perspective, we person’s shoes. It doesn’t mean we
shouldn’t be surprised that she became condone it. It means we consciously
a victim of her own capacity for evil and observe unexpressed shadow working
blamed her actions on the devil or voices in the experience and come to terms
inside her. It was her shadow side that with our own malevolent extremes and
overtook her. When you understand the polarizations. We need to recognize
psychological law of enantiodromia, you what we are capable of and not project it
will see how this “possession” could have outward by seeing it only in other people.
been anticipated by those who knew her
had they understood this principle of Someone who has lived their entire life
compensation that Jung described as the with a strong tendency to one-sidedness
self-regulating activity of the psyche. in their character has a greater chance of
suffering from an enantiodromia in their
In the case of Mary Winkler, we can psyche. The person overly identified with
empathize with her difficult situation as being a hardworking, responsible person,
most ministers’ wives are expected to obsessed with making money can flip
be perfect, ideal women, always kind, and become a lazy, irresponsible wastrel.
gracious and charming. God help her if People will say, “We just don’t know what
she has an opinion of her own that goes got into him or her.” Their one-sidedness
against the grain of conformity or any constellates the opposite. This is what
outward expression resembling anger, Jung viewed as a great danger in the
selfishness, or resentment. The pressure psyche of man — to become lopsided
of always being watched is enormous. for too long. What we all need is more
It is no wonder that ministers’ wives balance in our lives.
(or children) cannot live up to this
impossible standard 100 percent of We need to work hard, and we need to
the time. The loneliness of these two play and take vacations. We need to save
women must have been unbearable. money and we need to spend money.
Mary Winkler’s Minister husband was We need to give and receive. The act of
abusive to her. She finally snapped and receiving is another hard one for a lot of
killed him. people. When we are aware that we are
getting lopsided anywhere, we are wise if
When we hear stories like this, we can we do some of the opposite for the sake
be horrified and repulsed, or we can of our own equilibrium. 25