Page 29 - January 2023
P. 29
our ego can tolerate so you actually complete selves, the dark and the light.
develop quite a thick skin the more
you integrate shadow. As my teacher In his very interesting book, Evil the
Pittman once said, “My shadow is as big Shadow Side of Reality, John A. Sanford
as the Astrodome.” Integrating shadow who was a Jungian analyst and an
is a long, long process because there are Episcopalian priest, titled a chapter Jesus,
times when you say to yourself, “I don’t Paul and the Shadow. He explained why
see that in me. I don’t act like that.” So the St. Paul misrepresented Christianity and
unconscious says, “You don’t want to get it how Jesus was authentic and knew of his
with that person? That’s ok. I’m abundant. shadow and how to deal with it. “He does
I’ll just give you another person.” That’s NOT call upon us to repress the shadow
when you know it’s your shadow when it and identify with a persona.”
starts repeating. If it’s just one instance,
it pushed your buttons; you didn’t like “Paul’s ethic takes away man’s freedom.
the behavior; you can ask yourself, “Am I When we are told to conform to a
doing this behavior anywhere out there that standard of goodness imposed upon us
I am not aware of?” And then be alert. by collective authority, and to repress
everything from our consciousness
I write in a journal every day so when that contradicts this, we have lost our
circumstances like that occur, I can freedom; we are no longer expected to be
write it down. If I can write it down, conscious people, responsible for ourselves.
then I can remember it. If I just let But in Jesus’ ethic man is left with the
it go, I won’t remember. That’s why I alternatives life poses to him, the problem
wrote the work book like a journal. It of his own duality and the necessity
has places on the sides so that you can for psychological honesty. Growth in
write things down that come up. If you consciousness is valued more highly by
are diligent in creating a dialogue with Jesus than conformity to “goodness.”
your unconscious, it will help you. If you Freedom is of the highest psychological
ignore your unconscious, it ignores you. value, because this alone makes possible
the development of consciousness and
It’s a spiritual and sacred task to do love. It may well be that this is why we
this work and Jung believed that this are created with such dual natures, since
is the only way we can heal the planet. duality is the precondition of conscious
One person at a time. Not by telling psychological development.”
everybody who they should be or what — John A. Sanford, Evil, the Shadow
they should do. We each need to take Side of Reality, paragraph 83
responsibility for acknowledging our 2929