Page 30 - January 2023
P. 30
Capricorn –
The Father
The sign of Capricorn
is the 10th sign of the
zodiac (December 22
through January 21).
Developmentally from
about fifty-six to sixty-
eight, Capricorns are
considered to be ultra-
responsible, relentless and
dedicated to their climb to
the top of worldly success.
This sign is primarily
motivated by status, power,
and prestige.
They are usually content to work hard, in order to have security and control over
patiently, and conscientiously sacrificing their environment.
the personal side of life in order to reach
their goals. This determination and Rather reserved, a Capricorn needs love
perseverance eventually pays off so that and a home base just like their opposite sign
with time and a conservative respect for of Cancer. A proverbial Rock of Gibraltar,
tried-and-true traditional values, they they can make you feel safe, secure, and
steadily advance their ambitions and protected because they do not shy away
receive respected positions of the highest from making commitments and can remain
authority. The biggest fear is to end up a in a relationship for the long haul.
failure. In this case, a sense of inferiority
can ensue when they are do not live up Now what can be in the Shadow?
to their distorted reality of perfection The opposite sign of the zodiac is Cancer.
which is impossible. Many times, they This more emotionally sensitive sign
will appear rigid, coldly calculating, or can often be described as clingy and
opportunistic as they are ever ready to strongly dependent, creating parent/
rub shoulders with the right people to child relationships with others well into
advance their careers. The bottom line for their adult years. With the Moon as
them is always to climb the success ladder their ruler, their emotions and feelings