Page 3 - Mexico Down Under 0419
P. 3


              para finalmente reconocer  el valor del trabajo de  estas  Hence the value of this film that invites us to act, both
              miles de mujeres  y dotarlas de los derechos  y la  as employers and as government institutions, to
              retribuciones que indiscutiblemente se han ganado.   finally recognize the value of the work of these
                                                                   thousands of women and accord them the rights and
              Emb. Eduardo P. Peña Haller.                         wages that have been unquestionably earned.


               The Monarch Butterfly voyage to its sanctuaries
               in Mexico is a circumambulation journey played
               on the rough geography of North America. Every
               year hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies
               undertake an annual migration from Canada and
               the United States to their  wintering  grounds in
               the oyamel forests of Mexico.

               Monarchs travel  more than 4000 kilometres
               even though they have never made the journey
               before. They have their own internal compass
               that points them in the right direction. Monarchs
               are a pollinating species that  plays a
               fundamental role in  the survival of several
               species of flowering plants in Mexico, Canada and the United States. Visiting  the sanctuaries
               where this species hibernates is a humbling and rewarding experience. These sanctuaries are
               considered among the four natural beauties recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage.

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