Page 4 - Mexico Down Under 0419
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Like the ancient Polynesian sailors, these nature´s wanderers have also bravely faced thousands
of kilometres to conquer the Pacific. Their journeys have left a trail from the Pacific Coast of
America, through Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, until Australia. Today, they are quite prevalent
in the states of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria where they are called appropriately
Wanderer butterfly.
Last month, Mexico reported an increase of
144% in the monarch butterfly population
during their current hibernation period
December-January 2018-2019. The species is
expanding and, for the first time, a colony was
established in the Nevado de Toluca region, on
the Mexican State of Estado de México. These
are great news before the dismaying panorama
a few years ago, marked by a considerable
decrease due to the degradation of its
hibernation forests.
Since then, Mexico´s National Commission of
Natural Protected Areas, in close collaboration
and cooperation with non-governmental
organizations and local communities, has
vigorously work to overturn the continuous
decline of this population. The actions were
focused on maintaining the health of the
hibernation habitat in the Monarch Butterfly
Biosphere Reserve and its area of influence,
establishing participatory monitoring groups to
safeguard these areas, developing projects and productive activities and promoting the well-being
of local communities.
The increase of monarch population in Mexico is a very positive news. However, as has been
underlined by experts, the conservation efforts and the protection of hibernation habitats must
continue to not only maintain the population grow and recovery, but also to ensure its continuity
for future generations.
Photos: CONABIO/Carlos Galindo Leal