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competition  with  ASI,  b)  he/she  will  not  engage  in  any  activity,  whether  or  not  for
                   compensation, that is prejudicial to the ASI’s business and operations, and/or which utilizes
                   any skill, contacts, information, and/or knowledge obtained while training and/or working
                   with the ASI, c) he/she will not directly or indirectly seek to hire away any of the ASI’s
                   other employees, staff, representatives, and/or other persons working for ASI; and d) he/she
                   is  not  allowed  to  work  full-time  to  any  company  or  private  entity  even  if  it  is  not  in
                   competition with ASI.

                   - The EMPLOYEE shall not divulge in any manner, directly or otherwise, confidential
                   matters in any way related to the business, organization and operations of ASI, including
                   the terms of this Agreement, which he may come to know or be privy to as a result, directly
                   or indirectly, of his engagement with  ASI. Further, the EMPLOYEE shall not divulge
                   confidential matters related to any project that ASI is involved in, including but not limited
                   to processes, marketing and/or promotion plans and details, all other details and processes,
                   and  any  and  all  related  matters  and/or  information,  posting  ASI  products  in  personal
                   websites  or  in  social  media  networks  and  disclose  his  Enterprise  Resource  Planning
                   (“ERP”) password to anybody. Furthermore, the EMPLOYEE shall refrain from making
                   unnecessary  comments,  remarks  or  actuations  regarding  ASI,  its  business,  operations,
                   productions and projects that may later prove detrimental and/or prejudicial to ASI.

                          During the term of this Agreement, the EMPLOYEE will not at any time, in any
                   manner  whatsoever,  directly  or  indirectly  engage  in  any  activity  prejudicial  to  or  in
                   competition with the interest, business and operations of ASI, unless ASI gives its written
                   consent to said activities.

                          The EMPLOYEE understand that the position he holds is a position of trust and
                   confidence, which he shall not, during the term of his employment with the ASI and for a
                   period  of  one  (1)  year  after  the  termination  of  the  Contract  with  ASI,  form  a
                   business/venture/endeavor which would directly or indirectly compete with the business of
                   ASI,  accept  employment  from,  or  contract  to  render  services  to,  any  person,  firm  or
                   corporation  involved  in  a  business  or  undertaking,  would  directly  or  indirectly  in
                   competition or in conflict with, or in any way prejudicial to the business or interest of ASI
                   as well as its Clientele.

                          6.     COMPLIANCE  WITH  COMPANY  RULES  -  The  EMPLOYEE
                   undertakes and commits to comply with the COMPANY’s norms, rules, and guidelines
                   relative to work performance, labor standards, operating procedures, personnel conduct
                   and ethical rules, and other COMPANY rules and regulations, provided he/she is notified
                   of said COMPANY rules and guidelines.

                          7.     INJUNCTIVE RELIEF - The EMPLOYEE hereby expressly agrees that
                   ASI shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent a breach, or restrain
                   further breach, of this agreement by the EMPLOYEE. For this reason, the EMPLOYEE
                   waives any procedural right to be heard on an injunctive relief and expressly offers no
                   objection to such ex-parte application thereof by ASI.

                          Resort to injunctive relief and other equitable relief, however, shall not be construed
                   as a waiver of any other rights or remedies or causes of action which ASI may have, or
                   may  maintain,  whether  this  be  independent  of  or  simultaneous  with,  the  action  for
                   injunctive relief.

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