Page 179 - demo
P. 179
Navigation Instructions
Routes 1 and 3 on the map.
If you are travelling on the M25:
Make you way around the M25 to Exit 26 s/posted “Loughton / Waltham Abbey / A121”
From the west GPS 51.6780 0.0236 From the east GPS 51.6807 0.0401
At the roundabout take the exit on to Honey Lane.
1.3 mi GPS 51.6873, 0.0092 at the r/bout take the 1st exit on to Farm Hill Rd s/posted Waltham
Cross (A121) / Chingford (A112).
Expert Navigator Tip: The Green Man pub will be on your r. as you make that turn.
3.1 mi 51.6875, 0.0046 Follow the signs to Waltham Abbey Town Centre. As you come into the
town centre the Abbey is directly in front of you. There’s a very small carpark in front of it.
To continue north to Cambridge . . .
To make your way back to the M25 at Junction 26, follow the M25 signs through the town, which
means that as you leave the town you’ll turn left in front of McDonalds.
GPS 51.6815,0.1135 Take the M25 east to Junction 27 and merge on to the M11 s/p “M11(N) /
Cambridge / Stansted / Harlow”.
31.7 miles after joining the M11 from the M25 . . .
GPS 52.0958, 0.1405 If you want to visit the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, it’s just off the
motorway on the A505.
5.1mi 52.1610, 0.1039 at Junction 11, take the exit s/posted “Cambridge (S) / A1309 / Harston / A10”.
From here on just follow the City Centre signs which will eventually take you along Trumpington
You will reach a point where you can go no further on Trumpington St. At that point you will see
signs to parking in Grand Arcade on your r.
52.2037 0.1206 The Grand Arcade Car Park entrance
For a selection of great walking tours in Cambridge click here . . .