Page 183 - demo
P. 183

Just after that turn, go past the Duke of York Inn on the l. and a short distance later bear r. at the
        small r/bout on to London Rd.

        Go str through a small r/bout s/posted “Audley End House”.

        At the second small r/bout shortly after bear r. on to Audley End Rd. Follow Audley End Rd 0.8 mi
        to your destination

        1.0 mi 52.0196, 0.2185 Audley End House

        To continue on to Cambridge . . .

        Once you leave the grounds of Audley House turn r. on to London Rd, the B1383.

        At the Y i/s bear r. s/posted “Cambridge / Gt Chesterfield / B1383”.

        Expert navigator tip: If you don’t want to go into Audley End House, just after that r/h turn you get
        an excellent view of the house itself.

        4.5 mi 52.0745, 0.1966 from Audley End at the r/bout take the 1st exit s/posted “Stansted /
        London / Newmarket / Norwich / Cambridge (A1301)”

        Go through two r/bouts (pass under the A11 in between them) following signs to Cambridge

        Expert navigator tip: If you want to visit the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, turn l. along this
        stretch of road on to the A505 and follow it to the airfield.

        8.0 mi  52.1714,  0.1128 after passing through Stapleford and Great Shelford you will arrive at
        the end of the A1301.

        There are traffic lights at the i/section.  Turn r. on to High St, the A1309.

        0.7 mi 52.1807, 0.1162 at the traffic lights cont. str. ahd on to Trumpington Rd, the A1134.

        Expert navigator checkpoint:  About 100yds after the lights look for the Bolliwood Spice
        restaurant in a white building set back from the road.

        From here on just follow the City Centre signs.

        You will reach a point where you can go no further on Trumpington St. At that point you will see
        signs to parking in Grand Arcade on your r.

        52.2037 0.1206 The Grand Arcade Car Park entrance

        For a selection of great walking tours in Cambridge click here . . .

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