Page 181 - demo
P. 181

As you come in to the centre of the village you will have Intercounty Estate Agents on a corner
        ahead of you and next to them is a black and white timbered building for Mullocks Wells estate
        agents. If you are very observant you will see a small B&W sign on the left that says “Saffron
        Waldon / Thaxted / B184” just before that turn. To continue north, turn l. at that i/s into Market

        For car parking in the village, instead of turn left as above scontinue along the main street.  Look
        for White Hart Way on your l. and turn l. there.

        Expert navigator tip:  HSBC Bank is on that corner.

        I had a very pleasant lunch at The Coffee Shop on the main street.

        Continuing north . . .

        Expert navigator checkpoint:  Shortly after making the turn into Market Place you will be driving
        str. towards Fultons Chop House, which you will pass on the right.  I.e. it will be on your left. .

        Continue on to North St. At the far end of North St there is a r/bout at the i/s with The Causeway.
        Bear r. at the r/bout on to The Causeway. Just after that turn there is a park with a playground on
        your r.

        Go through a  r/bout  and at

        0.5 mi 51.8798,  0.3622 turn r. on to Lime Tree Hill B1057 s/posted  “ St Mary’s Church /
        Finchingfield  / The Bardfields  / B1057”

        6.7 mi  51.9488,  0.4375  Great Bardfield

        Follow the B1057 str ahd on to Vine St.

        Expert navigator tip:  Look for the stone cross in the middle of a grassed island on the r/h side of
        the road.

        At the T intersection at the end of Vine St, turn l. on to Bridge St to follow sign (on the r/h side of
        the road) to  “Finchingfield 2m / S. Bumpstead 7”.

        Driver warning:  A little further along the road narrows sharply.  Beware of oncoming traffic.
        Indeed in many of the villages along this road you will have to stop to allow oncoming traffic right
        of way in the narrow streets.

        1.6 mi GPS: 51.9683 / 0.4504


                                      It has often been called the prettiest village in England – though it has
                                      to be said that there are a lot of other villages that would put their
                                      hand up for that title. There has been a settlement here for
                                      centuries.  In the time of William the Conqueror it was
                                      called  Phincingfelda.

         Photo Opportunity

        Park in front of The Fox Inn or nearby and look to your r. across the duck pond and up the hill with
        church at the top. You’ll get a shot from there that is the sort of pic that has appeared around the
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