Page 182 - demo
P. 182
world as an example of the unspoiled English village with its pond and village green surrounded
by Georgian and medieval cottages. The village has often been used in films, tv programmes and
If you now want to go to Constable Country click here.
From Finchingfield to Cambridge via Audley End House and Gardens . . .
This route will take you back towards the M11 to Cambridge, but along the way you may care to
stop at Audely End House and Garden.
In Finchingfield bear l. on to the B1053.
Expert navigator tip: As you make that turn you will have a stone cross on your l.
Follow the B1053 to Great Sampford.
3.5 mi 51.9923, 0.3915 Great Sampford
Expert navigator tip: As you make you way down the B1053 through Great Sampford you will
have the Red Lion Inn on your r.
Turn r. at the Y i/section just past the Red Lion Inn on to the B1051 s/posted “Haverhill 8 / S.
Walden 7 / B1053”
2.6 mi 52.0133, 0.3477 At the crossroads turn l. s / posted “S. Walden 5 / Radwinter 1/2 / B1053”
Follow the B1053 through Radwinter and into
4.9 mi 52.0227, 0.2466 Saffron Walden
The town takes its name from the spice saffron. In the 14th century crocus bulbs were first grown
and the trade flourished until the end of the 18th c. It takes between 85,000 and 140,000 crocus
flowers to produce a pound of saffron. So expensive was it that during the reign of Henry VIII
adulterating by mixing with inferior spices was an offence punishable by burning at the stake or
being buried alive.
More from Wikipedia on Saffron Walden . . .
Ashdon Walk near Saffron Walden
At the Y i/section bear l. on to Audley Rd, the B184.
Go str through the i/section with South Rd and Fairycroft Rd. (Audley Rd is that much smaller lane
ahead of you).
0.4 mi 52.0204, 0.2399 at the sloping T i/section turn l. s/posted “Audley End House” on to the
Expert navigator tip: There is a stone monument topped by a cross on your r. as you make that