Page 122 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 122


               The Kurhula community farm project continues to make significant impact in the Cubo community, with another
               successful harvest year and significant expansion.  Addressing skills training, food security and business management
               this is a cornerstone project that has gained significant momentum and both local, regional and national government
               support and accolades.

                         April  2020                                                            July 2020
                Sugar beans crop is planted mid-                                       The sugar bean crop is ready for
                April under the pivot and being to          June 2020                 harvest. Crops are hand organised
                           sprout                                                     into windrows to prep for machine
                                                    Trenches are dug and the piping             harvesting
                                                    is laid to install a drip irrigation
                                                   system in preparation for growing
                                                         tomatoes and maize

                         May 2020                                                              August 2020
               Sugar bean crop growing well. Prep                                         In early August, the land is
               begins for the drip irrigation system                                  prepped and poles are organised in
                         installation                        July 2020                 preparation for planting tomatoes
                                                                                      and cabbage. In mid August the first
                                                   Sugar beans can be seen growing      cabbage seedlings are planted.
                                                            on the plants

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