Page 120 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 120


               No new public private partnerships established this report period. However, the below partnerships still hold

                              Community Constitution being a partnership agreement consistent with the Karingani vision was
                              drafted to develop a transparent relationship, creating a spirit of partnership, trust and shared

                              Kurhula Community Farm | Owned 60% by Karingani and 40% by the Cubo community. The
                              aim of this agriculture project is to provide food security and economic empowerment whilst
                              at the same time providing great in-job training and skills development in farming, planning,
                              implementation, business management, agricultural development and routes to market.

                              Xinghana Community Lodge | Owned 70% by Karingani and 30% by the Cubo community. The
                              construction of Xinghana Community Lodge commenced during the last reporting period, with
                              opening of the lodge expected for 2021. During COVID-19 lockdown, the construction work
                              continued, however the project was delayed due to the pandemic.

                               KPI 3 | ENCOURAGE SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES

               Local food suppliers located within the district boundaries of Massingir (north) and Magude (south) are targeted
               and are constantly informed that Karingani will not purchase any red-listed species of animals products or animals
               products that are illegally obtained in the consumer needs of Karingani and will only support those suppliers that
               offer legitimate animal products.
               One Planet digital platform integration with the community liaison officers is still underway.  A one planet ‘sustainability
               manager’ position has been earmarked for the upcoming report period.

                                        KPI 4 | COMMUNITY LAND USE PLANNING

               The neighbouring land-use planning and buffer zone establishment is still in the consultation and development
               stage. The map opposite still remains the guard for this initiative and will be reported on in future reports.
               These maps will also be used for the purposes of measuring impact for future urbanization to then allow for predictive
               planning mitigation measures to be applied.

               Significant progress has been made in facilitating the Nkanyani and Cubo border dispute, with the appointment of
               a dedicated team to manage this process.  A local consulting firm has been recommended by Government and the
               expectation is to have them appointed and the dispute resolved early in the next report period.  This will be the first
               significant step towards future land-use planning and development for the local region of Karingani.
               Karingani is currently helping with the ongoing town planning in the Cubo and Mapulanguene communities.

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