Page 50 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 50


             Short term trend in the recorded number of animals poached within Karingani over the last four reporting periods.

                       ELEPHANT                          RHINO                         BUSHMEAT

              2017/18  2018/19  2019/20  2020/21  2017/18  2018/19  2019/20  2020/21  2017/18  2018/19  2019/20  2020/21
               26 11             0       0       4      0       0        0 19 4                 7        5

                     Difference  Difference  Difference  Difference  Difference  Difference  Difference  Difference  Difference
                     -15 -11             0            -4        0        0           -15 +3 -2

               All records of bushmeat hunting within Karingani for this reporting
               period were attributed to hunting dogs in the northern section of the   0  Recorded animals lost to poison
               reserve. The recorded impact of
               this poaching method was the                               0  Recorded animals lost to poaching
               loss of three impala, one grey        100%                    with firearm
               duiker and one unknown species
               where evidence of blood was                                7  Recorded snares discovered and
               found. This increase in bushmeat                              removed (note: 8 snares removed
               demand for the report period is potentially linked to the COVID-19   externally along fence-line)
               global pandemic and the strain it has placed on surrounding   2  Recorded animals lost to snares
               communities.                                                  (outside KGR perimeter)

                      KPI 4 | FIELD RANGER FORCE

               With the onset of COVID 19 during the end of the previous report period we saw a slight attrition in the scout force.
               Three dedicated dog handlers were selected from our ranger force and our number of man trackers increased by
               38%. The addition of the dog handlers to our Special Operations Group (SOG) has had a significantly positive impact
               to the ranger force as these handlers and the K9’s act as force multipliers.

                                                        9  Special Operations      2  Security Managers

                                                      35   Field Rangers           7 Operators
                                                                                      Control Room

                                                        8  Specialised Man-Trackers  4 Rangers
                                                                                      Equine Anti-Poaching

                                                        3  K9 Handlers             3  Rations and Supply

                                                        2  APU Drivers
            Karingani Special Operations Group

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