Page 90 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 90


                     RESEARCH INITIATIVES

               ANAC  – Consistent collaboration with  ANAC on both the conservation, research and security activities within
               Karingani. This is a long-term collaboration in line with National regulations and Karingani’s contribution to landscape
               recovery both locally and regionally in Mozambique.

               Bird Life South Africa – This report period saw the engagement of Karingani and SA Birdlife towards the establishment
               of an MoU that would recognise the valuable and responsible conservation methods of Karingani, whereby Karingani
               aims to be officially recognised as a vulture safe zone.  Once established this will be an ongoing collaboration with
               annual assessments and compliance.

               Endangered  Wildlife Trust – Bird of Prey Conservation Programme:  Vultures and Martial Eagles monitoring,
               breeding performance and data sharing in Karingani, Mozambique. Wild Dog Range Expansion Project - increasing
               safe spaces for the critically endangered  African wild dog. Carnivore conservation Programme: Population re-
               enforcement of cheetah into Karingani is still in progress with these two collaborators.

               Gorongosa National Park  – Population re-establishment of wild dog from Karingani and Gorongosa National Park
               into Malawi. Future collaborations in development with Gorongosa include the translocation of hyena, leopard and
               potentially giraffe.

               Giraffe Conservation Fund – This collaboration has gained momentum in conjunction with MWA and ANAC to
               design and sign an MoU for the large-scale land-banking of genetically suitable giraffe within Karingani for the re-
               population of giraffe into other Mozambican conservation areas. The expectation is to translocate 200 giraffe into
               Karingani’s care in the upcoming report period.

               Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation (GKEPF)   –   As founding members of this important
               collaboration of the trans-border security effort between National and private reserves, Karingani continues to
               support and collaborate extensively with GKEPF in data sharing, operational planning and intelligence.

               KEW/South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)/Mozambique National Herbarium – Collaborative
               sharing and collection of herbarium specimens as part of quantifying the floral diversity of Southern Mozambique.

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