Page 13 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 13

After 12 hours

               sleep, we are

               roused by the off

               key notes of the

               upright piano in

               the owner’s

               quarters.  It must

               be June 10  we
               decide and we are

               not happy to get
               up but with the

               incessant piano

               we really have no choice.  Breakfast is 2 strips of bacon which is

               more like Canadian bacon, one fried egg and 2 sausage links

               with toast and thick slices of untoasted brown bread.  There is

               tea and jam too.  I put cream and sugar in my tea again and am

               quite satisfied with the meal.  There is a couple from Italy at

               breakfast with us.  The woman doesn’t speak English and the

               man only a little.  There is also a couple from Holland who look

               so much alike they could be brothers.  Yes, brothers – she isn’t

               very pretty but is very friendly.  They come to Ireland every

               year – at least he does on business.  I guess this year she joined


               The beautiful sunshine we had been so happy to see when we

               first got up fades and rain rolls in.  Then just as quickly stops.

               We pack up cameras and go out across the road to shoot the

               castle and the remains of an old stone building.  We waddle

               around in the grass and climb over rocks to get the right angles.

               Unfortunately Ireland is scared by telephone poles and wires

               that seem out of place with all the ancient ruins.

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