Page 36 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 36
…When long ago
I saw her ride
Under Ben Bulben
to the meet,
The beauty of her
With all youth’s lonely
wildness stirred,
She seemed to have grown
clean and sweet
Like any rock-bred,
sea-borne bird:…
On a Political Prisoner
W. B. Yeats
(1865- 1939)
I take a wrong turn on the way to the B & B because I get
confused but end up out on Roses Pt. and decide it is so neat
we will go back. The B & B is cleaner than the first one. The
second lady has 6 kids and serves us tea with scones and
cookies when we
arrive. There is a
nice room with a
table to eat
breakfast. There’s a
picture window in
there and in our
room to see the view
of Old Ben. The
oldest son hauls our
bags in which is nice.