Page 36 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 36

…When long ago

                             I saw her ride
                         Under Ben Bulben

                              to the meet,
                          The beauty of her

                      With all youth’s lonely

                           wildness stirred,
                   She seemed to have grown

                           clean and sweet
                        Like any rock-bred,

                          sea-borne bird:…

                     On a Political Prisoner
                              W. B. Yeats

                             (1865- 1939)

               I take a wrong turn on the way to the B & B because I get

               confused but end up out on Roses Pt. and decide it is so neat

               we will go back.  The B & B is cleaner than the first one.  The
               second lady has 6 kids and serves us tea with scones and

                                                                                  cookies when we
                                                                                  arrive.  There is a

                                                                                  nice room with a

                                                                                  table to eat

                                                                                  breakfast.  There’s a

                                                                                  picture window in

                                                                                  there and in our

                                                                                  room to see the view

                                                                                  of Old Ben.  The

                                                                                  oldest son hauls our

                                                                                  bags in which is nice.

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