Page 39 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 39
“What’s your name?” She just looks at me and then I realize
she doesn’t speak English. I say “Gesundheit! Donke schoen!”
and she acts shy and runs away. Later she comes back and
peeks at me the way kids do and I say “Are you Dutch?” Her
father answers, “Yes” for her and we laugh. I don’t know if she
was Dutch or German but she is sure cute.
I have two glasses of wine so M drives back. We try to find
some traditional music – we had heard TD’s has good Irish
music but after much trouble finding it and parking we were in
for a real disappointment. We go in and realize that they are
playing “Rollin’ in My Sweet Babies Arms.” I can hear that any
day of the week in Alabama so we leave.
I call Mike (£18.95) and hit the sack. It is after midnight when
I actually go to sleep because writing in my journal takes a
while. I am several days behind.
Day 5
Donegal –
June 13