Page 4 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 4
clouds tumble over the hills and sheep graze among rows of
haystacks. Or for good measure, I envision a fisherman who
wades in a cold, shallow trout streams. Tiny trout skitter
through the sparkling green water that zigzags nosily down the
rocky creek bed in my mind.
We Land at O’Hare on time despite the delay but our gate is
occupied so we hang around on the runway for 10 or 15
minutes and then proceed toward our gate. Another slight
delay is announced as we wait for a truck to get out of our way
(a flying truck?). I get to the baggage claim area uneventfully
and low and behold so do my bags. I pop them onto my $1.00
rented cart and off I go following the signs for terminal 4 (the
International Terminal). All is going well and I’m enthralled
listening to a story about a baseball player (age 9) who cried
because his dad was so critical. The teller of this tale was from
Miami? We all squeeze onto an elevator which was good
because I want to know if they gave the kid the “game ball” and
thank goodness they did.
I trot along with my cart in tow and come to a juncture with 4
signs with arrows pointing in 4 different directions and all say
“Terminal 4”. Well, I figure the Cosmic Muffin was playing a
joke so I ask someone “Where the hell is Terminal 4???!!! You
can talk like that in Chicago since people are used to it. The
person told me to go up in the elevator – the one right behind
me. I go up and there is “Terminal 4” printed in red on a lovely
gray post. Now florescent lighting with gray paint does wonder
for the complexion so everyone looks angry but then I
remember I’m in Yankee country and figure it might not be the