Page 7 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 7

lovely lunch after waiting an hour for the restaurant to open.

               M has lamb and I have salmon in puff pastry.  Desert is fresh

               mandarin orange slices with grapefruit in a round stemmed

                                                             glass with big chunks of raw sugar

                                                             on the rim like Margaretta salt.

                                                             “Not too shabby”.

                                                             We try to call our Bed & Breakfast

                                                             and finally get thru.  M picked it

                                                             from a B & B book put out by their

                                                             association.  The woman said

                                                             she’d be out till 6 p.m.  Since we

                                                             have plenty of time, we go to

                                                             Domoland Castle – big beautiful
                                                             place.  We go inside and discover

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