Page 15 - Police Federal Credit Union
P. 15

A qualified individual is one who, with or without a reasonable accommodation, can perform the
              essential functions of a job.

              A reasonable accommodation is a modification to a job which will allow an individual with a disability
              to  perform  the  job's  essential  functions.  An  employer  is  required  to  make  a  reasonable
              accommodation  to  a  known  disability  of  a  qualified  applicant  or  employee.  A  reasonable
              accommodation may include but is not limited to:

                  a.  Making facilities used by employees readily accessible and usable by persons with disabilities

                  b.  job restructuring;

                  c.  modifying work schedules;

                  d.  reassignment to a vacant position;
                  e.  acquiring or modifying equipment or devices;

                  f.  adjusting or modifying examinations, training materials or policies, or

                  g.  providing qualified sign language interpreter.

              A reasonable accommodation does not include lower production and quality standards. Also, the
              employer  need  not  provide  an  accommodation  that  would  impose  an  "undue  hardship"  on  the
              business. The Act is enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the penalties
              are the same as for violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, with maximum amounts for intentional
              discrimination mandated by the Civil Rights Act of 1991. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
              requires employers to reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities.

              It is the policy of Police FCU to comply with all federal and state laws concerning the employment of
              persons with disabilities.  It is our company policy not to discriminate against qualified individuals with
              disabilities  in  regards  to  application  procedures,  hiring,  advancement,  discharge,  compensation,
              training,  other  terms,  conditions,  and  privileges  of  employment.  Police  FCU  will  reasonably
              accommodate qualified individuals with a disability so that they can perform the essential functions of
              a job.

              An individual who can be reasonably accommodated for a job without undue hardship will be given
              the same consideration for that position as any other applicant. “Undue hardship” means an action
              requiring significant difficulty or expense by the employer.

              POLICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION                EMPLOYEE MANUAL - APRIL 2017               15 | PAGE
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