Page 19 - Police Federal Credit Union
P. 19


              Police FCU expects its employees to conduct business per the highest ethical standards of conduct.
              Employees  are  expected  to  devote  their best efforts  to  the  interests  of  the  Credit  Union  and  its
              Members. Business dealings that appear to create a conflict between the interests of the Credit Union
              and an employee are unacceptable.

              Any employee who has a question as to whether a gift, course of conduct, or a personal business
              opportunity constitutes a conflict of interest should consult with their department’s Chief Executive.

              Please remember, even the appearance of a conflict of interest may damage the reputation of the
              Credit Union and the employee. Violation of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action up to and
              including employment termination.


              Police FCU Employees are required to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality when handling
              employee, volunteer, and member accounts, as well as any other privileged information. All Police

              FCU records and information relating to employees, volunteers, and Members are confidential and
              employees are required to treat such matters accordingly. Additionally, the contents of Police FCU’s
              records  or  information  otherwise  obtained  regarding  business  may  not  be  disclosed  to  anyone,
              except when required for a business purpose. Discussing an employee’s, volunteer’s, or member's
              personal information or financial status for non-work purposes is prohibited.


              Employee personnel files are the property of Police FCU. Employee files are considered confidential
              and are maintained by Human Resources. It is the policy of the Credit Union to allow employees access
              to their own file and to allow Supervisors access to an employee’s file when there is a legitimate,
              business-related need. Employee files may not be removed from the Human Resources Office. If an
              employee  wishes  to  review  his  or  her  file  it  will  be  done  in  the  presence  of  a  Human  Resources
              representative, or a designee. Representatives of government or law enforcement agencies, during
              their duties may be allowed access to file information provided they have a court order or a lawfully
              issued subpoena.

              POLICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION                EMPLOYEE MANUAL - APRIL 2017               19 | PAGE
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