Page 22 - Police Federal Credit Union
P. 22

If  the  evidence  is  sufficient  to  clearly  implicate  the  alleged  dishonest  person,  the  President/CEO,
              Supervisory  Committee  Chairman  and/or  Human  Resources  will  seek  the  employee's  written
              resignation. If a resignation cannot be obtained, the President/CEO shall seek legal counsel’s advice
              as necessary on the employment termination of the employee.

              If the Credit Union has or will soon suffer a dollar loss, and if the evidence is sufficient to clearly
              implicate the  alleged  dishonest  person,  the  President/CEO  will  seek  legal  counsel's  advice  on  the
              employment termination of the employee. The President/CEO shall consult with legal counsel and the
              Supervisory Committee Chairman to determine whether to report the loss to proper authorities. The
              decision may be based on the dollar amount and evidence.

              Based on legal counsel and the  Supervisory Committee Chairman’s advice, the President/CEO will
              make a report to the proper law enforcement agency. Further, the Supervisory Committee Chairman
              will make a report to the NCUA as appropriate.

              Additionally, employees and Credit Union representatives who cannot live up to their Share Draft and
              Loan/VISA Account Agreements are inappropriate representatives of our  Credit Union family. The
              consequences of an employee who mishandles their Share Draft and Loan/VISA Accounts can be

              grounds for immediate employment termination.

              Employee  accounts  are  monitored  and  audited  and  the  employee’s  vigilance  in  maintaining  their
              accounts  in  good  standing  is  imperative.  Employees  are  prohibited  from  posting  to  their  own
              accounts, to include, but not limited to, loan payments, share deposits, share withdrawals, etc.

              Bad habits may also include, but are not limited to:

                     a.  Making your loan or VISA payment late;

                     b.  charging more on your VISA card than the limit allows;

                     c.  writing checks on non-sufficient balances, or
                     d.  placing a “stop payment” to avoid a returned draft.

              Employees who have more than five (5) returned or non-sufficient items in a twelve (12) month period
              may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including employment termination. This guideline is

              not meant to be interpreted as “permission” to have up to five (5) returned or non-sufficient fund
              items per year.

              POLICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION                EMPLOYEE MANUAL - APRIL 2017               22 | PAGE
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