Page 21 - Police Federal Credit Union
P. 21

The Supervisory Committee is responsible for examining the adequacy and effectiveness of those
              controls established by management. The examinations can be augmented with written reports from
              CPA auditors, state, and federal examiners.

              Fraud Whistle-Blowing Procedures
              It is the responsibility of all employees, volunteers, contractors, consultants, committee members,
              and  directors  to  report  any  suspected  wrongdoing  to  the  President/CEO,  Supervisory  Committee
              Chairman, Human Resources, or executive management. However, if an employee believes that the
              alleged fraud involves management, the employee shall promptly report the matter to the Chairman

              of the Board of Directors and/or the Supervisory Committee Chairman.

              Fraud Investigation
              Immediately  upon  discovery  of  an  alleged  fraud  involving  an  employee  or  volunteer,  the
              President/CEO  or  Supervisory  Committee  Chairman  shall  be  notified.  The  President/CEO  and/or

              Supervisory  Committee  Chairman  will  determine  who  will  be  assigned  the  responsibility  for  the
              investigation.  Responsibility  may  be  assigned  to  Human  Resources,  Police  FCU’s  Internal  Audit
              Committee, Supervisory Committee, or outside specialists such as a CPA firm, league auditing staff,
              state or federal regulatory agencies, or Police FCU’s Risk Management Committee.

              Fraud Conduct

              The President/CEO, Supervisory Committee Chairman and/or Human Resources should contact the
              Credit Union's legal counsel to avoid litigation relating to defamation, false imprisonment, malicious
              prosecution, and assault.

              Special consideration needs should be given to a suspect employee, board member, or volunteer with
              a known physical impairment or other known medical condition.

              Suspension or Employment Termination for Fraud
              The Police FCU Discovery Bond suspends coverage on any employee, board member or volunteer
              once the Credit Union learns of any fraudulent or dishonest act. It is; therefore, very important that
              the investigation be conducted as quickly as possible to prevent further losses.

              The  President/CEO,  Supervisory  Committee  Chairman  and/or  Human Resources  shall  consult  legal
              counsel to determine guidelines for suspension or employment termination of a dishonest employee
              depending on the nature of the offense, dollar amount involved, existing policies, and effect on the

              Fraud Notification of Interested Parties
              The President/CEO and/or Supervisory Committee Chairman will ascertain that the proper person/s
              are contacted. If the evidence is not sufficient to clearly implicate the alleged dishonest person/s, the
              President/CEO and Supervisory Committee Chairman shall consider additional controls or job duty
              changes to discourage opportunities. Such changes may be made without the employee's knowledge.

              POLICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION                EMPLOYEE MANUAL - APRIL 2017               21 | PAGE
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