Page 8 - Police Federal Credit Union
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              This  Police  FCU  Employee  Manual  (referred  to  herein  as  “Employee  Manual”  or  “Manual”)  is  a
              resource for all Police FCU Employees to understand and perform their duties in a legal, ethical, and
              professional  manner.  This  manual  contains  guidelines  for  good  behavior  and  best  practices  for  a
              successful career at Police FCU.

              This Manual serves as a reference guide to employment related policies and procedures for employees
              and management and is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all possible applications of

              or exceptions to as it is impossible to cover every aspect of employment within the Credit Union.

              All employees shall receive a copy of the Employee Manual and are expected to adhere to the policies
              and  procedures  enumerated  herein.  Your  signature  at  the  end  of  this  document  on  the
              acknowledgement and attestation page is your affirmation that you have read, understand, and agree
              to comply with all the policies and procedures contained herein.

              Some  subjects  described  in  this  Manual  are  covered  in  detail  in  standalone  official  policy  and
              procedure directives.  You may refer to those directives for more specific information relative to the
              subject of interest. All standalone policies and forms related to this Employee Manual can be obtained
              from the Police FCU’s HR Employee Documents folder on the P: Drive.

              The  procedures,  policies,  and  practices  described  in  this  Employee  Manual  are  current  as  of  this
              publication date and are subject to on-going change to better meet the needs of the Credit Union.
              Police FCU will do their best to inform you of those changes as they occur.

              Questions or concerns about the policies and procedures and/or this Employee Manual should be
              directed to your Supervisor.

              POLICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION                EMPLOYEE MANUAL - APRIL 2017               8 | PAGE
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