Page 116 - NWF November Updates
P. 116

Copyrighted Information

        Use of the NWF photocopiers, computers, email system, or other equipment capable of

        reproducing images to copy and/or transmit any software programs, documents, or other
        information protected by the copyright laws is prohibited by federal law and may subject you
        and NWF to civil and criminal penalties.  Never copy software programs of any kind without
        express authorization.  Never accept copies of any software programs without authorization.

        Lobbying Reports

        If your position at NWF involves contacts with federal, state, or local government officials and
        legislators, you may be required to complete a weekly lobbying report.  Consult your
        supervisor or the General Counsel's office for further information.

        Election Related Activities

        As a charitable organization recognized as exempt from federal taxation under Section
        501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the National Wildlife Federation is prohibited from
        engaging in any partisan political activity or electoral politics.  This means that NWF cannot

        participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any
        candidate for public office.  This applies to federal, state, and local electoral campaigns.
        NWF employees must avoid giving any appearance of NWF participation in any political
        activity.  In the workplace or at NWF events, employees cannot display current campaign
        posters or placards endorsing or opposing a candidate, wear campaign buttons, or use NWF
        property, such as email, phones, or faxes, to conduct personal political activities.
        NWF employees are entitled to exercise their rights as citizens and work in support of or

        against any candidate, but they must do so as private individuals on their own time and with
        their own resources and equipment.  If an NWF employee exercises his or her right to
        campaign as a private citizen, he or she should not use NWF as an identifier.  NWF is a
        nonpartisan organization and our credibility and tax exempt status depend upon our ability to
        comply with and respect this ban on election-related activities.  Questions and concerns can

        be directed to the Office of General Counsel.
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