Page 112 - NWF November Updates
P. 112

Relationship of Drug and Alcohol Use Policy to Employee Assistance Program

        The National Wildlife Federation maintains an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide
        help to employees who have substance abuse or other personal or family problems.  The EAP
        is described in detail elsewhere in this handbook.  It is the responsibility of each employee to

        seek assistance from the EAP or other appropriate sources before alcohol and drug problems
        lead to disciplinary action, which can include termination. Once a violation of this drug and
        alcohol use policy occurs, subsequently using the EAP on a voluntary basis will not necessarily
        lessen disciplinary action and may, in fact, have no bearing on the decision to take disciplinary

        An employee's decision to seek prior assistance from the EAP will not be used as a basis for
        disciplinary action.  However, the use of the EAP will not limit NWF's right to take disciplinary
        action when facts obtained outside of the EAP show a violation of this policy.  Accordingly, the
        purposes and practices described in this policy and in the EAP are not in conflict and are
        distinctly separate in their applications.

        Use of Equipment and Vehicles

        Equipment and vehicles essential in accomplishing job duties are expensive and may be
        difficult to replace.  When using property, you are expected to exercise care, perform required
        maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines.

        Please notify your supervisor if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be
        damaged, defective, or in need of repair.  Prompt reporting of damages, defects, and the
        need for repairs could prevent deterioration of equipment and possible injury to employees
        or others.  Your supervisor can answer any questions about your responsibility for
        maintenance and care of equipment or vehicles used on the job.  The improper, careless,

        negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment or vehicles, as well as
        excessive or avoidable traffic and parking violations, can result in disciplinary action, up to and
        including termination of employment.
        NWF owned or leased equipment and vehicles are to be used for NWF's business purposes
        only and may not be borrowed or otherwise used for personal use.

        Each office is responsible for managing the use of vehicles owned or leased by NWF for the

        use of that office's staff.  Staff or volunteers must have a valid driver's license to drive a vehicle
        owned or leased by NWF.   Staff use of an NWF vehicle without a valid driver's license may
        result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of employment.

        NWF will perform random checks with appropriate state motor vehicle departments on the
        status of drivers' licenses of employees who use NWF vehicles.
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