Page 111 - NWF November Updates
P. 111

Use, Possession, or Sale of Drugs or Alcohol on NWF Property

            a. Alcohol

               Performing your regular job responsibilities, being on NWF property, or otherwise
               carrying on NWF business while under the influence of alcohol is prohibited if such use
               or influence affects your safety or that of your co-workers or members of the public,
               your job performance, or your ability to safely and efficiently operate NWF's equipment
               or facilities.  Except as approved in advance by an NWF office director, consumption of

               alcohol on NWF premises is prohibited.
            b. Legal Drugs
               Except as provided below, using or being under the influence of any legally obtained
               drug while you are performing your regular job responsibilities, while you are on NWF
               property, or while you are otherwise carrying on NWF business is prohibited to the
               extent that such use or influence affects your safety or that of your co-workers or
               members of the public, your job performance, or your ability to safely and efficiently

               operate NWF's equipment or facilities.
            c. Illegal Drugs
               Possessing, using, selling, purchasing, transferring, or distributing an illegal drug while
               you are performing your regular job responsibilities, while you are on NWF property, or
               while you are otherwise carrying on NWF business is prohibited.  The presence of any

               detectable amount of any illegal drug in an employee while performing their regular
               job responsibilities, while on NWF property, or while otherwise carrying on NWF
               business is also prohibited.
            d. Notification
               An employee must notify NWF, in writing, of his or her conviction for a violation of a
               criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) calendar days
               after such conviction.

        Disciplinary Action
        Violation of this policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, even
        for a first offense.

        Searches of employees and their personal property located in NWF's facilities or on its

        premises, including but not limited to personal property stored in lockers or desks provided
        by NWF, may be conducted when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee
        or employees are in violation of this policy.  An employee's consent to a search under these
        circumstances is required as a condition of employment and a refusal to consent may result in
        disciplinary action, up to and including termination, even for a first refusal.  Searches of
        property, equipment, facilities owned, leased, or controlled by NWF may be conducted at any

        time and do not have to be based on reasonable suspicion.
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