Page 106 - NWF November Updates
P. 106

Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings

        On occasion it is necessary to alter our normal work schedule due to inclement weather.  NWF
        honors the independent judgment of its staff to make decisions concerning their personal
        safety during inclement weather.  It is recognized that employees live varying distances from
        their NWF office, and weather conditions along their commute may differ.  The decision to

        officially close an NWF office or open late will be based on local conditions immediately
        surrounding each NWF office.  If an official closing or late opening has not been announced,
        individuals should consider their personal commute and weather/road conditions to
        determine their ability to safely report to work, or take leave, or contact their manager about
        the ability to telework.

        NWF Headquarters in Reston, VA and the Washington, DC office will both follow Federal

        Government office closing announcements.  NWF Field Offices will follow their individual
        policies on office closings.

        During the time NWF's buildings are closed for inclement weather exempt employees will
        receive their full salary for their normal hours worked and nonexempt employees will receive
        their hourly pay for their scheduled hours.  Employees should charge "leave with pay" on their
        timesheets.  We encourage employees to "check in" so that we can continue to meet
        commitments to members and donors and other customers to the maximum extent possible.

        When the Federal Government (or local government that field offices may follow) announces
        that a liberal policy is in effect, NWF offices will be open and all employees will be expected to
        make reasonable efforts to get to work or may plan to telework.  Employees unable to work
        on any such day should use vacation or personal leave.

        On days when weather conditions worsen as the day progresses, offices may decide to close
        early.  In such cases, a decision and an announcement will be made via email and the
        Emergency Alert System.  If such a decision is made, administrative leave with pay will be
        granted  for the duration of the closing  to all staff members who remain at work until the
        announced closing time.


        In an effort to assure a productive and harmonious work environment, persons not employed
        by NWF may not solicit or distribute literature on NWF premises at any time for any purpose.
        NWF recognizes that you may have interests in events and organizations outside the
        workplace.  However, you may not solicit or distribute literature concerning these activities in
        working areas during working time.  (Working time does not include lunch periods, work

        breaks, or any other periods in which employees are not on duty.).
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