Page 109 - NWF November Updates
P. 109

Rules and Regulations


        This policy applies equally to all employees and visitors. In keeping with NWF's intent to
        provide a safe and healthful work environment, smoking in the workplace is prohibited except

        in those outside locations that have been specifically designated as smoking areas.  For
        information regarding the location of designated smoking areas, you should consult with
        your supervisor.

        Drug and Alcohol Use

        To help ensure a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for its employees and
        others, to protect its property, and ensure efficient operations, the National Wildlife
        Federation has adopted a policy of maintaining a workplace free of drugs and alcohol.  The
        possession, use, or sale of an illegal drug or of alcohol in the workplace may create
        unacceptable risks for safe, healthful, and efficient operations.  Individuals under the influence
        of drugs and alcohol on the job pose serious safety and health risks not only to themselves,

        but also to anyone else who works with them.

        Accordingly, it is the policy of the National Wildlife Federation that possessing, using,
        consuming, purchasing, distributing, manufacturing, dispensing, or selling alcohol or
        controlled substances, or having alcohol or controlled substances in your system during

        working hours without medical authorization on Federation premises, may result in
        disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.

        As described elsewhere in this handbook, the NWF maintains a confidential employee
        assistance program that provides counseling or treatment for alcohol or drug problems and
        other personal difficulties.  In addition, the National Wildlife Federation has adopted the
        following policy with regard to the use, possession, or sale of alcohol and drugs by its


        This policy applies to all NWF employees in all categories--full-time, part-time, and
        temporary--at all levels and all locations.  However, nothing in this policy precludes NWF
        management from establishing additional work rules or policies that apply only to one NWF
        office.  Where federal or state law imposes restrictions on implementation of this policy,

        management will modify the policy in accord with such restrictions.
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