Page 113 - NWF November Updates
P. 113

Staff or volunteers who are involved in an accident while using an NWF owned or leased
        vehicle must report the accident that same day (or the next business day if a holiday or
        weekend) to the Finance Department.
        NWF may decide, in its sole discretion, to deny certain employees or volunteers the use of
        NWF owned or leased vehicles.

        If you drive a vehicle owned or leased by the National Wildlife Federation you must complete
        an NWF Vehicle Use Form on an annual basis.  There is a continuing obligation on your part
        to notify your supervisor if your driver’s license is suspended or revoked at any time
        throughout the year.

        Use of Cellular Phones and Safe Driving

        In order to provide sufficient tools for staff to maintain productivity, NWF issues certain
        individuals in appropriate positions a cellular phone so they can stay in communication with
        others while out of the office.  NWF is committed to promoting highway safety by

        encouraging the safe use of cellular telephones by its employees. While NWF recognizes that
        there often is a business need to use cellular phones, safety must be the first priority.  NWF
        encourages its employees to remember safety when using their cellular phones.  Employees
        may engage in brief conversations while driving.  If a call is going to be intense or if traffic
        conditions are poor, employees should park their vehicles before using their phones.  NWF
        recommends the use of a "hands-free" device in the car, and requires them in jurisdictions
        where it is a legal requirement to do so.

        All NWF staff who are driving on business are expected to conduct themselves in a safe and
        legal manner, obeying posted speed limits and avoiding taking notes while driving.  Proper
        cellular phone use is one part of safe driving.  Employees also should remember that while
        traveling on business, they are expected to follow posted speed limits, practice defensive

        driving, wear seat belts, and take a sufficient number of breaks so they remain alert.  NWF also
        expects its employees to be properly licensed and reserves the right to request that
        employees present a current license for inspection.

        NWF supports the following safe driving tips recommended by the Cellular
        Telecommunication Industry Association.

            •  Safe driving is your first priority.  Always buckle up, keep your hands on the wheel and
               eyes on the road.

            •  Make sure that your phone is positioned where it is easy to see and easy to reach.  Be
               familiar with the operation of your phone, so that you are comfortable using it on the

            •  Use a hands-free microphone while driving.  Some states have passed a law which make
               it illegal to drive without a hands-free device.
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