Page 101 - NWF November Updates
P. 101

Pay Deductions and Setoffs

        The law requires that NWF make certain deductions from your compensation.  Among these
        are applicable federal, state, and local income taxes.  NWF also must deduct Social Security
        taxes on your earnings up to a specified limit that is called the Social Security "wage base."
        NWF matches the amount of Social Security taxes you pay.

        NWF  offers  programs  and  benefits  beyond  those  required  by  law.    Eligible  employees  may

        voluntarily authorize deductions from  their  pay  checks  to  cover  the  costs  of  participation  in
        these programs by signing the appropriate payroll authorizations.
        NWF will comply with all state and federal legal orders requiring it to make other deductions
        or setoffs from your paychecks.  If you have questions concerning why deductions were made
        from your pay check or how they were calculated, ask your supervisor or contact the Human

        Resources Department at 703-438-6494 for further information.

        Work Schedules

        Work schedules for employees vary throughout our organization.  Your supervisor will advise

        you of your individual work schedules.  Staffing needs and operational demands may
        necessitate variations in starting and ending times, as well as variations in the total hours that
        may be scheduled each day and week.  Any changes to your regular schedule (i.e. change of
        days or hours) must be submitted immediately to Human Resources for record-keeping and
        payroll purposes.
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