Page 99 - NWF November Updates
P. 99

All overtime work must receive your supervisor's prior authorization. Overtime assignments will

        be distributed as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the required

        Overtime compensation is paid to non-exempt employees in accordance with federal and state
        wage and hour regulations.

        NWF jobs are classified as either Exempt or Non-Exempt for overtime payments by the Human
        Resources Department under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Executive,
        Professional, Administrative, Computer Related, and Sales occupations as defined by the Act

        are designated as exempt from payment of overtime. All other positions are Non-Exempt and
        are eligible for payment of overtime.

        Non-Exempt employees are compensated at the rate of one and one half times their base rate

        Hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week:

        • "Hours Worked" definition is the actual number of hours spent performing company
            duties.  This does not include vacation or personal leave, floating holiday leave, sick
            leave, or any administrative leave with or without pay.  However, NWF Holidays and
            Official NWF Closings will be considered "hours worked".
        • "Week" definition is the actual calendar week starting with Sunday and ending with

        • Regular Holiday or NWF Designated Holiday hours worked as requested by
            management when normal business operations have been "closed".  This overtime
            payment is in addition to compensation for Regular Holiday or Administrative Leave
            with Pay authorized by business closing.

        Overtime is paid in increments of 1/4 hours (fifteen minutes).

            • NWF policy prohibits the accrual or use of compensatory "comp-time" payments in lieu
               of eligible overtime.
            • NWF will make overtime payments in conformance to all State regulations were

               definition of applicable hours differs from this NWF Overtime Policy.

        Each specific time the Inclement Weather Policy is initiated, supervisors will determine the
        necessity to designate "essential personnel". Non-Exempt individuals as designated, who are
        required to come in to work should NWF be closed, or remain at work in the event of early
        closing, will be paid one and one half overtime for hours worked while NWF is officially


        Overtime work must be authorized in advance by the Department/Division Director or
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