Page 94 - NWF November Updates
P. 94

What happens if I am re-employed by NWF or a related organization?

        Individuals terminated for cause or gross misconduct are generally not eligible for re-
        employment by NWF or a related organization (e.g., National Wildlife Action Fund), whereas
        those terminated due to job elimination/reduction in force may be rehired.  Whether or not the
        new position is or is not comparable to the position previously held by the individual,
        severance payments stop upon rehire by NWF or a related organization.  However, any

        severance previously paid does not have to be returned.  If an individual is rehired by NWF or a
        related organization during the severance period but within 60 days of termination, he or she
        will retain his or her original date of employment.  Individuals re-employed by NWF or a
        related organization more than 60 days after termination will establish a new date of
        employment coincident with their return to work.  Future severance would be considered using
        the newly re-hired date.

        What happens if I die before all my severance payments have been made?
        If you die before the payments to which you are entitled under the Plan have been made to
        you, any remaining payments will be paid to your estate.


        What are the employee's responsibilities?

        NWF recognizes that an involuntary termination, regardless of the circumstances, is not a
        pleasant situation and is a confidential matter between the employee and the employer.  In
        exchange for the payment of severance benefits by NWF, employees are required to sign a
        waiver and release of any and all legal claims they may have against NWF under federal, state,
        or local law.  Terminated employees should not discuss the events that led to their
        termination with anyone outside of their immediate family, and they must continue to publicly
        project a professional image of NWF.  Failure to adhere to these responsibilities may result in

        immediate disqualification for severance and benefits, a decision that is made at the sole
        discretion of the Plan Administrator.

        What are the claims procedures?

        Making a benefit claim
        Benefits will be paid under the Plan without the necessity of formal claims.  You may,
        however, make a request for any Plan benefits to which you may be entitled.  Any such
        request must be made in writing to the Sr. Director of Total Rewards within 60 days of the
        date of your termination.  Your request for Plan benefits will be considered a claim for Plan
        benefits, and it will be subject to a full and fair review.  If your claim is wholly or partially

        denied, the Sr. Director of Total Rewards will furnish you with a written notice of this denial.
        This written notice must be provided to you within a reasonable period of time after the
        receipt of your claim, but no longer than 60 days, unless unusual circumstances require more
        time to process the request.  In no event will an extension of time exceed 60 days from the
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